
Summary of rules in Tomaj Camping

We kindly ask our guests to keep the following rules in order to the safety of the camping and the peace of the campers:

  1. Our guests are required to check in at the reception. If you have visitors, you have to buy a ticket for them at the reception which costs 1.500 HUF/person.
  2. Occupying the bungalows is possible between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m., otherwise you have to discuss it on phone. On the day of departure the bungalws must be left till 10 a.m. In case of a later departure the cost of one whole day is charged.
  3. You can pay at the reception between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. You have to pay on the day of arrival or the following day.
  4. Animals on the campsite are allowed only after discussion and after paying for them. Pets can not go to the beach and into the water.
  5. You can make fire only at the designated place for this case. The fire must be extinguished after the usage. Making campfire is prohibited.
  6. Smoking in the bungalows is prohibited!
  7. The usage of heater eqiupment in the bungalows is not allowed.
  8. The resting time in the night is from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. In the given term driving and disturbing activities are forbidden.
  9. The reception is open non-stop, if you have a question or need help, please contact us.
  10. Please keep the campsite and the bungalows clean.
  11. Please keep the showers and the toilets clean!
  12. If any equipment doesn’t work properly, please tell it to the recepiton, in order to fix it. If something is missing from the bungalows you have to pay a compensation or we will make a denunciation.
  13. You can use the playground and the sport field for your own responsibility. We can give you sport equipments at the reception, but you have to bring it back after usage.
  14. The parents or attendants or the group leader takes responsibility for the children. Please always keep the children under control.
  15. Children can use the water bike and the kayak only with adult.
  16. If you take out the equpiment of the kitchen for cooking, please bring it back to the bungalow.
  17. It’s forbidden to take out the equipment of the camping and it’s also forbidden to change the furniture of the bungalows.
  18. You can use the beach for your own responsibility between the bouys.
  19. Parking is allowed only at the designated place.
  20. Please close the windows of the bungalows when you leave, because the rain can destroy the furniture.
  21. Please watch out the plants and the bushes in the camping. Don’t hang your clothes on the trees.
  22. With the cars can be go only on roads, it’s forbidden go and stay ont he gras.
  23. The feeeding of swans and ducks is forbidden!


Please keep the rules above to protect the peace of the camping and to everyone can enjoy the holiday at our camping. We wish you a nice holiday! Staff of Tomaj Camping

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